Monday, December 1, 2008

the bravest thing that i ever did was perform in front of alot of people when i was younger. it started when i was in second grade my sisters and cousins was on this dance team for our school. i would always see them dancing and having a lot of fun so i decided that i wanted to be apart of the African dance to. i first experienced going out of town with out my mom being there to help was another scary moment for me. our first out of town vacation was to Ohio it was fun. the night that we had to perform i was so scared because it was like everyone was going to be looking at me cause i was the youngest of everybody. our dance instructor was telling everyone that we about to perform so get ready but i was shy. one of girls that was on the team with us was saying that don't be nervous just act like you know everyone out there, so i went out there and perform so good.

1 comment:

♥K00Kii3♥ said...

Y u was scared u just gotta loosen up it gets 2 b fun.